for Your Life’s Work

Creative Manager


Business Producer


Operations Empress


Creative Manager 〰️ Business Producer 〰️ Operations Empress 〰️

for creative small business owners

Cut down on your to-dos and make more time for what you love.

Hi, I’m Juanita.

I help creative small business owners produce their life’s work.

I won’t just get your business running smoothly.

I’ll empower you to unearth the wellspring at the source of your creative endeavors so that you can achieve your most authentic and magnificent life.

Yes, it’s about the process, but it’s also about so much more than that.

The world needs your vision to fully come to life, and yet the complicated logistics of running a business can dominate your work day, burning you out and making it feel impossible to make your next great idea into a reality.

We might be a perfect fit if your dream is to create a sustainable business using your gifts to shift our culture in a better direction.

I work behind the scenes to keep the essential gears of your business and life moving, freeing up your time to do what means the most to you.

Too much of your time can be spent trying to figure out apps, integrations, and other complicated logistics, and wondering if you’re doing it “right”?

I can help. 

If you find yourself drowning in the everyday tasks required to run your business and life, or the operations part of your workday has caused you to lose touch with your vision.

I can help.

I work behind the scenes to keep the essential gears of your business and life moving, freeing up your time to do what means the most to you.

But we’re going to go a lot deeper than that…wait and see.

My dream and my business are about collaborating with people who want to do big things that will create a sustainable, just culture where we can ALL thrive.

If you want a fellow powerhouse along your side ~ work with me to build the business of your dreams.

Here’s how it works…

We’ll get grounded

Get to the core

Reach the wellspring


So you can live more authentically & magnificently

Let me break it down for you…

Get grounded

Any good relationship begins with a solid foundation.

We’ll get you grounded by figuring out where you are and plan for where you want to be. For your goals, hopes, and dreams to expand as far as possible, we need to begin by establishing your current lived reality.

Get to the core

Your beginning will shape your ending, and the inside work is just as important, if not far more important, than the outside work.

By getting to your core, we’ll identify what’s stopping you and what you could use help on that will move us to your creative wellspring more efficiently. These blocks can include concrete factors - overflowing inboxes, less-than-perfect processes, more tasks than time - but they can also be limiting beliefs or other mental and emotional blocks.

My goal is to get you to do more of what you love and offload what you hate.

Reach the wellspring

Once we identify what’s at the core of your creative gridlock, we’ll clean house.

While we clear out the old, we’ll bring in the new. With my help, you can welcome in enough space to ready your mind for flow.


You can’t pour from an empty cup and you can’t reach a creative wellspring if you’re experiencing burnout.

As a creative business owner, your life is your work and your work is your life. Instead of selling yourself short, we’ll merge your day-to-day with the help you need from me to keep flowing. A big part of flow is giving you the permission to ask for and receive the help you need without second-guessing, guilt, or shame.

Your more authentic and magnificent life

This is the best of the good stuff. Here, your life is yours.

Our partnership (and your amazing abilities) have allowed you to build the life of your dreams. Your client load is abundant but not overwhelming. Your income matches and sustains your life. Instead of striving and yearning, you are living in wholeness.

While your may experience some normal, human shifts, the bigger pieces stay in place. You no longer think you aren’t enough. You’re no longer worried about proving anything to anyone. You’re now able to take in each moment as a golden gift. Here’s where you take the reins as the author of your own life.

Here are some examples of what I have done for my clients as a trusted small business leader and advisor

  • Manage online booking and scheduling integrations

  • Help develop infrastructure and systems

  • Automate and integrate systems that many tend to do manually (or struggle with digitally) … effectively freeing up work hours to do the things you actually like doing

  • Schedule social media posts, manage messaging on all platforms (IG, Messenger, Google, etc) secure online spaces from trolls, and keep you out of the distracting black hole we call social media

  • Bookkeeping

  • Audit and streamline platforms and software so that you can feel confident that the tools you are using are working in the best ways possible

  • Help manage email inbox organization and provide email, telephone, and text correspondence to support you and your clients

  • Help budget time so they can achieve your goals so you can enjoy your work and life at the same time

  • Support you logistically AND emotionally… because doing business can be overwhelming, and nobody should have to do it all alone

  • Help with all the personal to-dos that are interfering with your brain space, stressing you out, and affecting your ability to show up fully to your work

Book a Free Consultation

You’re busy running your own business (AND you hopefully have a life outside of work too). Every creative small business owner has unique needs and no two are exactly alike.

Let’s connect! Bring your favorite beverage, take a deep breath, and share all the things you wish you could take off of your to-do list and want to build. Let’s see if we are a good fit for each other and I’ll custom-craft a plan to support you in having higher productivity, less stress, and more joy in your business.


“I struggled for years with the daily tasks of running my business by myself. Like a lot of small business owners, I thought that overwhelm and burnout was something I just had to deal with or try to work through. The most difficult part for me was that I had so many exciting ideas about how to make my business better, but I could never do them because I was completely depleted by the end of the day. Hiring Juanita was hands-down the best decision I’ve ever made for my business.” ~ Anonymous

“Things that would take me all day (or lead to super-frustrating arguments with my laptop, complete with angry, tearful moments) come easy to Juanita. I don’t know what I’d do without her and my only regret is not having hired her sooner.” - Angela Morris, Digital Marketing Strategist

“It's impossible to overstate the impact Juanita has on the flow and function of my business. Her magic goes well beyond the detail-oriented, hyper-organized, on-top-of-all-the-things skillset of a VA or OBM. She imbues her work with precision, passion and an infectious positivity that elevates and inspires everyone who comes in contact with her. My clients all love her! She is generous and immensely capable—her most unique superpower is her capacity to bring structure and ease to the swirl and often chaotic unfurling of a highly creative biz. Juanita often feels like the banks of my river, she helps structure and contain my business so I can focus on the flow. She is entirely one-of-a-kind and anyone lucky enough to hire her will immediately see the magic she brings.” ~ Mary Diaz, Writer

"I contracted Juanita Schuelke as a Production Manager through her business Pink Moon Services by Juanita. In this time I noticed how easy it is to work with her and that she’s ready to tackle any challenges. Her communication and organizational skills are excellent and it’s an absolute breeze setting up projects with her and completing them. When my business partner and I were away for a few weeks Juanita was able to take care of the initial communication stages on a new project with clients we’ve never worked with before. I highly recommend Juanita to further your creative business goals and elevate your business structure by making systems that work and closing projects with ease.” ~ Vassi Slavova Co-Owner / Creative Director, Blackbox Visual

A bit about me, I am a recovering nonprofit (ask me about that recovering part) professional, theatre/outsider artist with 15+ years of experience in administratively supporting businesses of all sizes and artists at all levels of creation. I have a Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies—with a Graduate Certification in Nonprofit Leadership and Management, and a Bachelor of the Arts focused in on Theatre for Social Change (justice-minded always). One of the accomplishments I am most proud of is a theatre company I founded and helped run many moons ago.

Ask me about Pink Banana Theatre Co. anytime.